Cutting-edge medicine for healing and health: Internal Medicine/Cardiology

We create the best possible conditions so that patients with chronic diseases or after an acute event can limit or reverse the progression of the disease on their own. Our goal is also to activate the body's own forces, to strengthen the organism in the long term in order to reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease." Dr. med. univ. Andreas Hofschneider

We offer comprehensive and in-depth preventive care - 90 percent of all cancer-related deaths alone could be avoided through timely prevention, as could many a stroke or heart attack. Both in treatment and therapy, as well as in aftercare, the most modern procedures and approaches are complemented by targeted measures from other disciplines in our hospital, for example in the form of physical or psychotherapeutic support. We perform all diagnostic and therapeutic measures of modern cardiac and internal medicine. The primary goal is to restore cardiac and general performance and to guide patients to a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. med. univ. Hofschneider
Precaution and Prevention - Munich TV 27.08.2020

Common diseases and treatments in the field of internal medicine/cardiology

From rheumatism, diabetes and high blood pressure to impairments of the heart, lungs, stomach, liver and thyroid to cancer: As a clinic for internal medicine, our hospital covers the entire spectrum of diseases and disorders in this segment.

As a rule, therapy or rehabilitation begins with a detailed discussion of lifestyle and health development. Likewise, our physicians ascertain the exact course and conclusion of previous interventions and illnesses. Careful examinations by means of ECG, ultrasound, X-ray or bio-impendance as well as extensive functional tests and blood count analyses provide a precise picture of the actual condition.

In therapy, we follow a holistic approach. Depending on the subject and the findings, it ranges from oxygen infusion therapies to alkaline infusions and vitamin cures to accompanying psychological counseling, to name just a few examples. A healing factor in itself: our unique natural location in absolute tranquility, framed by wooded mountain slopes and Lake Tegernsee.

Common treatment areas:

  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease (aftercare after heart attack)
  • Aftercare after stroke
  • Cardiomyopathies
  • Pulmonary diseases
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Weakness of the immune system
  • Rheumatism
  • allergies
  • Tumor diseases (oncological concomitant therapy for operable as well as non-operable tumors)
  • cancer aftercare
  • Diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Liver diseases

Diagnostic Spectrum in the specialist center Internal medicine/cardiology

All equipment and solutions from leading medical technology manufacturers support highly precise diagnostics and anamnesis and enable the use of the latest, highly effective therapeutic procedures. In addition, Internal Medicine/Cardiology has its own laboratory and infusion rooms.
Our diagnostic spectrum includes, among others:. Ultrasound equipment for thyroid, abdominal and vascular examinations, bio-impedance equipment, latest generation X-ray systems.
The medical technical equipment of the specialist center for internal medicine/cardiology is another example of the first-class level of the Jägerwinkel Private Clinic.

Medical equipment

  • Sonography (ultrasound) of thyroid gland and abdomen
  • Duplex sonography of the vessels supplying the brain
  • Duplex sonography of the veins
  • X-ray of heart and lungs
  • Resting and exercise ECG with lactate measurement
  • Spirometric lung function test
  • Comprehensive laboratory analysis (tumor markers, vitamins, trace elements, viral serology, food intolerance)
  • Endoscopic examinations (gastrointestinal endoscopy)
  • Bioimpedance analysis (measurement of the distribution of fat, fat-free mass and water in the body)
  • Early detection of breast cancer with digital mammography
  • Early detection of prostate cancer with virtual prostate spectroscopy
  • Whole-body tumor examination / PET diagnostics

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

In the form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), we tap into thousands of years of healing knowledge that is still relevant today - for example, as a targeted supplement to a therapy or to use additional levers and starting points.

Nutritional Counseling & Diets

Faster and more sustainable healing, avoidance of unnecessary complications in chronic diseases, more vitality and energy for life: A diet that is individually composed by us for you is an essential health factor.

Dr. med. univ. Hofschneider
Precaution and prevention - Munich TV 27.08.2020

Consultation and registration

We will be happy to advise you on all aspects of a stay in our Department of Internal Medicine. Please visit the consultation and registration section.

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